Our Approach | Design



Design as Informed Decision-Making


Our approach to design is to use our creativity and project leadership skills to support great decision-making. We move from early exploration of possibilities to confirmation of the solution that is right for you. We believe that facilities are constructed from the very building systems that must perform longterm, working together to support the activities and aspirations of those who bring them to life. So we design using our knowledge of those systems, from Day 1.


JMA’s strength lies in its ability to leverage the tremendous pool of knowledge that is present in the project community; both yours and ours. Where we undertake design as a collaborative endeavour, drawing upon the expertise and experience of all stakeholders, our staff and leadership, and experts in the technical disciplines, we create robust and appropriate designs that fit your project objectives. We  form and lead our teams on this basis, with a commitment to in-depth exploration of your project and its context. Our references will attest to our capacity, our organisational and active listening skills, and our creativity.


We think inclusively, and from basic points of view:

- what are you hoping to change with this project?

- what are your goals and priorities, including for appropriate style and architectural expression?

- what is the context we are changing (physical, and existing patterns and relationships)?

- what are the team's aspirations, and standards for sustainability and durability?


You are a key part of the design team.

We strive to create, above-all, Grace. We pay special attention to movement and flow, the appropriateness of spaces to support occupent comfort and activity, and relationship-building that makes the whole much greater than the sum of its parts.