Building Connections
A plan to make well defined and livelier shared spaces among the various campus facilities, while maximazing the resources
This master plan is a document that proposes ways to maximize the existing built resources and the outdoor spaces for improved connectivity, economy, comfort, convenience and delight. It brings intention to the various outdoor ammenities, with strategic tree planting, paths, and contemplated building renovations, to create livelier shared spaces. These spaces are designed to be different from each other. The Quad, the two Courtyards, the Winter Garden, the Back Flats, the Front Lawn and the Tunnel Connection all have their own purpose and feel. Even though these spaces might not be new, the Master Plan redefines them so they become part of the every day life of staff and students alike.
Our Role:
Engagement with University leadership, faculty, staff and students; analysis of existing conditions, individual buildings (with careful attention to the historic architecture found on campus) and building systems; schematic design.
The master plan resolved circulation patterns by weaving together the main courtyard, a spine to various university facilities, and the expansion of the Learning Commons as a gate to important services, thus creating possibilities for a more lively shared space, central to the campus experience. Central to the design philosophy is the concept of well defined and dignified universal accessibility. Additionally, the plan included an unintrusive renewal of the University’s aging building systems.
“We are very pleased with the careful and diligent initial work that John MacDonald Architect has brought to the early planning and design process. Their Project Launch and Information Reporting management systems have created clear objectives and stakeholder understanding for the project, and we are excited by the design possibilities that are taking shape. John, Matthew, and the JMA staff are careful listeners, and their organized approach to the work has helped us to understand the complexities of the undertaking. JMA enjoys our full confidence, and we look forward to the journey ahead.”
— Neil Carruthers
C.A.O. (retired) Huron University College
Project Data
London, Ontario
Design Completed 2016