Projects | Heritage | Blacksmith Shop
Doon Heritage Village - Blacksmith Shop
Forge Ahead!
Nothing is cast in iron when recreating history in the modern world
The Region of Waterloo commissioned John MacDonald Architect to design a historically accurate reproduction of a blacksmith shop in Doon Heritage Village that in 1914 would have been 30 years old, meet today's building systems requirements and codes, and be a space for learning with demonstrations to the general public. Through close consultation with historians, blacksmiths and Doon project staff, the JMA team researched and sourced historical construction materials and methods of the time period, which were documented for construction in drawings and specifications. The modern electrical and mechanical systems are discreetly disguised within the historical architecture of the shop.
Our Role:
Design, Documentation, Procurement, Construction Administration.
Project Data
New Build
Kitchener, Ontario
80 m² (850 sq. ft.)?
Construction Completed 2004